initially this photos are for our lifeskills project:

^^ hahaha. Mr Huey saw me pushing the hat to cover Kai Yuan's face and he laughed so hard. lols.
anyways, I'm now working on my website for my portfolio next year. Actually should say it's micro-site because it's a mini website which doesn't require you to be connected to the internet to see the portfolio. I've done my homepage, and this is how it will look like:

i took a screen shot because i'm too lazy to open the flash file. anyway, there will be a little of animation in my micro-site. the pipes will be squashing and stretching and the solution will be bubbling. The doors are actually the buttons for the webpage. I'm not sure if i will have time to link every page of the site together by this friday. tonight, i will start scanning my my school assignments for my portfolio. You'll be seeing my some of my drawing class and ADP stuffs. xD
ok la, gtg now. am so tired. can't wait for holidays. me and my classmates has start counting down: 7 more days left!!!
p.s. thanks to Kalyn for the confident booster. putting my cowboy layout gave me much more confident to finish up ALL my assignments by Friday!!! :DDD
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