sorry for not updating! I've been sooooo busy with my assignments! Especially my dolphin assignment, there's this teacher who is exactly like our (oops, i mean, my) ex-P. She keep rejecting this and that. it drives me mad. no one in my class want to consult our assignment with her. it's like... so P-like. The attitude ah...
anyway, I've drawn something nice for my drawing class today. This is one-point perspective view of my school. it looks abit like a hotel resort doesn't it? teeheehee :D *wooohooo!* I've actually taken a photo of it, cos i can't bring home the original piece. the original is better but too bad it will be sent for marking. *so sad. boohoohooo*
this is it:
should be OK right? :D i shall upload more of my work in time to come. Well, that is, if i am free :P
big loves everyone.... and Amirul too. Miss pinching him :P
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