I woke up at 9 today but stayed in my room re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows until 11.50 which then I had decided to have a bath. Well unfortunately while I was in my bathroom bathing, my relatives came over and my mum had passed me some clothes including ... (shhh..) a torn shorts. Obviously she didn’t realised it when she helped me took my clothes. So after I had gotten my proper clothes on, I went to help my mum re-heat some food in the kitchen for my relatives to eat. The only thing is my mum didn’t know I actually nicked some food in the pan while heating it. Hahaha. My irritating second sister annoyed me so much because she lied, so finally I lost my temper and told her off for lying. I care less that she’s not speaking to me. I ALSO have no intention to speak to her. She should know that God know who’s right and who’s wrong and what other lies she had been telling and how she disrespected my parents. I won’t say much here but of course I would loved to ruin her because apparently I am sick of people seeing her a goddess because no one knows what bad things she did at home and seriously I don’t care much about she, who loves disrespecting and lying to her elders. It’s time for her to learn to earn her elders’ respect. And I am not going to show any respect to people who don’t deserve it!
Having abit of cramps today. No Pet’s Society today. Stay healthy everyone and take care.
>To Desy, Get Well Soon
>To Desy, Get Well Soon

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