Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't hit the bottle

Hi! as promised to update my works regularly, here i am!

Based on my theme "bottle", i came out with this. This is actually my 12th idea for the theme. I got the idea from the idiom "hit the bottle" which means "to drink too much alcohol".
Did this in 3 hours in illustrator.

and i also did this in photoshop earlier. Wanted to try some positive negative elements in design. wasn't the best. i screwed up alot for this

azianah maskus

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Digital painting

HIIII! ok! It's been awhile since i posted anything in my blog~! i will try my best to update as regularly as i did when i was in ITE. hehehe

so this is one of my digital painting work i did for my assignment. Took me three days to finish up. I am not a good painter in photoshop. i prefer traditional media. My classmate, Ain, has been nice to help me touch up the girl and her bottle. She's a really good painter, while i'm still a beginner. Do check out her works, they're really good! (

heee~ that's all for today! will update more of my works for the past few month as soon as possible! :D

azianah maskus