tmr i'm going Hong Kong! seriously damn excited (although not so much excited about the flash website assignment for thr trip) hehe, but still excited overall. So, i will be away for 12 days! That like more than a week from home. i think i will be home sick when i'm there but i guess i'll be able to cope with it since I'm going with my Wendy darling. xD hehe.
anyway, i found one of my old drawings. drew it for my o level art exam. not a great sketch and shade because we weren't given proper teaching methods (we just keep changing teachers for 3 years). anyway i didn't keep the original sketch because it was send for marking, and i didn't take it back from my teacher after my graduation, so yeah, this is just the scanned version. I can't remember what fish it was, but i remember i spent a good whole day shading the fish.

so ok, that's all for today. gotta start re-packing my luggage. xD i'll try to update my blog regularly when i'm in Hong Kong, alrightes!
azianah maskus :)
p.s. i'm seriously gonna miss my smelly pillow D: